In late 2017, the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), the Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences (Vereniging Hogescholen, VH) and SURF presented the Acceleration Agenda for Innovation in Education. This agenda was intended to designate a new joint course to change education successfully. In the new Acceleration Plan, we describe the design of a four-year programme to achieve these objectives.

From agenda to plan: How will we achieve our objectives?
The Acceleration Agenda for Innovation in Education primarily described the objectives related to higher education, without explaining how they were to be attained. Under the direction of a steering group comprising administrators from VSNU, VH and SURF, the Acceleration Agenda has been elaborated in a Acceleration Plan for Innovation in Education with ICT. This plan describes the four-year programme for achieving the objectives.

Recruitment for the implementation has started
Recruitment among the participating institutions for the implementation of the Acceleration Plan began on 22 May 2018. However, recruitment is subject to sufficient funds being made available, since it is not clear as yet what the financial contribution from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) will be. This outcome is expected to be announced in June 2018.

About the Acceleration Plan
Within the four-year Acceleration Plan, research universities and universities of applied sciences will be working within eight zones on the acceleration of innovation in education with ICT:
1. Increasing lecturer facilitation and professionalism
2. Improving the connection to the job market
3. Increasing flexibility in education
4. Working towards digital open learning material
5. Using degree programme data securely and reliably
6. Employing evidence-based innovation in education with ICT
7. Collaborating with EdTech
8. Setting a joint course towards acceleration

Participation in the Acceleration Plan
Institutions wishing to participate in one or more of the acceleration zones of the Acceleration Plan can register to do so. The executive boards of all research universities and universities of applied sciences have received a request , asking them to indicate no later than 13 September whether they would like to participate in one or more zones and which these zones are. More information for acceleration team leaders and members can be found in the Acceleration Plan and in the profile.

Information meetings
To prepare for possible participation in one or more of the participation teams, the programme team is organising information meetings for staff of institutions. These meetings will take place on (registration is possible via the links):

28 June, 13:00–17:00 (followed by a drinks reception)
23 August, 13:00–17:00 (followed by a drinks reception)
All meetings will take place at SURF in Utrecht.

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