Cancellation Innovation Room #15 – CLASH |
Dear participants, dear cLAshers,
These are unprecedented circumstances we are in. The whole team of LDE CEL would like to wish you strength and focus on the important things in life. We wish you all to be patient and kind to others and come through these difficult times together. The team decided today that we need to cancel the Innovation Room #15 CLASH – Developing a Culture of Learning Analytics coming Friday. We think in these times it is more important to invest energy into organizing daily life and working from home. In the meanwhile as you may find some time in the coming weeks you are invited to join our CLASH workspace, we will continue to build a community around LA in Higher Education via that workspace and you will find information about the relaunch of the CLASH event in the workspace and on our website. As the LDE CEL team, we would like to thank you for your contributions to the event so far and we would like to share some outcomes from these contributions to the preparation of the event. During the registration, we asked everyone to name 1-2 challenges that keep them from starting with LA in order to tailor the content of the event to your needs and wishes. The most common challenges were extracting meaningful information from data and providing actionable insights and designing LA for different stakeholders with a clear purpose in mind. You can read a summary of the most critical challenges in As LDE-CEL we are committed to digital education and learning and would like to help you with one little resource for learning from home. Felienne Hermans developed a wonderful MOOC on Learning Programming in Scratch for children and their parents as also for educators. We launch a new run of these MOOCs this week and welcome you with online support and feedback on the topic. Find the online courses at: Scratch: Programming for Kids (8+), Handout for Teachers and Parents: Kindest regards, Marcus Specht (director LDE CEL) and the LDE CEL team |