Most of the wide range of experts involved in the Digital Society research programme are active on Social Media, including Twitter. Many researchers have not stood still this summer and delivered publications, talks or media interviews. Here is a snapshot of some of their activities. The full list of the academics on Twitter can be found here.
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— marleen huysman (@marleenhuysman) September 11, 2018
‘The future is blended care’ @heleenriper on the effectivity of e-mental health and innovative possibilities for future interventions #ESSSB17
— ESSSB17 (@esssb17) September 5, 2018
Very honored and excited to accept the position of University Professor of Artificial Intelligence & Information Retrieval at the University of Amsterdam. (1/3)
— Maarten de Rijke (@mdr) September 3, 2018
Print excitement. So happy to hold the printed version of the amazing @solecheler and my new book News Framing Effects, published by @routledgebooks. We try to offer an overview of news framing effects research and discuss framing effects in the rapidly changing media landscape.
— Claes de Vreese (@claesdevreese) September 3, 2018
#AI #braindrain
— Inald Lagendijk (@InaldL) September 2, 2018
For my Dutch-reading followers, there is article by @willemschoonen in @trouw today of interview with me about some of myths of big data
— Sally Wyatt (@wyatt_sally) September 1, 2018
Scientists to help Twitter gain insight into quality of online discussions
— Geert-Jan Houben (@gjhouben) August 29, 2018
Always nice to appear in an interview alongside my mentor and role model Alan Bundy, even if it’s on “the five scariest potential scenarios for AI”.
— Frank van Harmelen (@FrankVanHarmele) August 13, 2018