UPDATE: This meeting is postponed to 25 April, at the same location. 

NWO makes 3 million euros available for research into digitisation issues at the interface of citizenship, new types of governance, identity and participation. The call ties in with the Digital Society Research Agenda of the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU).

Digitisation has become part and parcel of our society. There is a growing, unnoticed incorporation of technology in our daily lives, thinking and actions. On the one hand, the deployment of ICT as a key technology offers opportunities to enrich our lives, create new opportunities and tackle societal challenges. On the other hand, the interwovenness of digitisation with our everyday lives means that public values such as privacy, security, equal treatment and autonomy are coming under pressure. Participation in the information society stands and falls with the access to reliable information and the skills needed to use it.

Methods, techniques and tools for monitoring the secure and reliable access to data and the transparent access to and good findability of data must be developed to prevent the potential abuse of personal data and the risk of undermining the public domain and confidence. How can we equip the digital citizen as well as possible for participation in the digital domain? And conversely, which underlying ICT technologies must be developed to constructively guide digitisation in these domains in a people-driven manner?

This call ties in with the Digital Society Research Agenda of the VSNU, and in particular with two themes from the research agenda with questions at the interface of citizenship, new types of governance, and identity and participation in relation to several transformation topics from the Horizon 2020 Resilient Societies programme. These are the themes: Citizenship & Democracy and Digital Cities & Communities. The programme lines “Responsible Data Science” and “Safety & Security” from the VSNU agenda will be cross-cutting lines in the research projects that this programme calls for.

The call is for interdisciplinary research in collaboration with public, societal and industrial partners. The research teams should therefore reflect the interdisciplinary research problems. A minimum of 250,000 euros and a maximum of 500,000 euros per research project can be requested. The deadline for submitting applications is 4 June 2019.

Further information about the conditions can be found in the call for proposals.

Save the date matchmaking meeting

On 25 April 2019, NWO is organising a matchmaking meeting with the aim of informing interested parties about the call as well as encouraging the formation of consortia.

The meeting takes place in The Hague (Globe Meeting Center, Waldorpstraat 13a, The Hague). Interested researchers and representatives of potential public, social and private partners are very welcome. During matchmaking, participants have the option of pitching an idea or problem and thus giving a first impulse to cooperation.

Do you want to participate? Then we would like to receive your registration via digitalsociety@nwo.nl

The afternoon program is as follows:

1.00 pm: Entry
1.30 pm: Welcome
1.35 pm: Introduction “Digital Society” – Rathenau Institute
1.50 pm: Explanation of the Digital Society Research Agenda (VSNU) – Prof. dr. Dr. Inald Lagendijk
2.05 pm: Explanation call for proposals (NWO)
2.15 pm: Pause
2.45 pm: Matchmaking round 1
3.30 pm: Break
3.45 pm: Matchmaking round 2
4.30 pm: Closing and drinks

If you would like to take part in the matchmaking meeting, then please register via digitalsociety@nwo.nl.