Under the name ACCSS (pronounced as ‘access’ and short for ACademic Cyber Security Society), our country will have an association for scientists who are active in the field of cybersecurity in the Netherlands, both in the natural sciences as well as from the alpha and gamma sciences.

The new interdisciplinary association has the following goals:

  1. It acts as the hub of the network of all cyber security scientists in the Netherlands;
  2. It acts as a gateway for public and private parties who want to contact cyber security scientists in the Netherlands; of alpha, beta and gamma signature; and
  3. It acts as mouthpiece and representative of cyber security scientists in the Netherlands to highlight shared positions and to provide input in policy processes where expertise on cyber security is required.

The association will position itself as an unambiguous and recognizable point of contact and as a representative of science within the new collaboration platform cyber security that is being established, and which can be seen as the successor to dcypher.

The association will open a website to make the results of scientific cyber security research accessible to interested parties from within and outside academia, such as the government and the business community. The site will provide an overview of research ambitions, current cybersecurity research and activities such as summer schools. In addition, the site will show which higher education courses there are in the Netherlands.

Through membership registration and the adoption of statutes, a step-by-step approach is taken towards formal establishment, which should be completed on 1 July.

The initiators,

Aiko Pras
Arno Lodder
Bart Jacobs
Bert-Jaap Koops
Bibi van den Berg (intended chair)
Cees de Laat
Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius
Herbert Bos
Jan Piet Barthel
Joeri Toet
Joris van Hoboken
Lokke Moerel
Marko van Eekelen
Marten van Dijk
Michel van Eeten
Sandro Etalle
Stijn Ruiter
Tanja Lange

The ACCSS contact address is: info@accss.nl
The ACCSS web address is: www.accss.nl

For questions or requests for information, please e-mail to: info@accss.nl