Delft Data Science Seminar in Collaboration with VSNU Digital Society and SIKS
Friday 28 June 2019 – 09:00 – 13:30

X – TU Delft
Building 37 + 38
Mekelweg 8-10
NL-2628 CD Delft

This  event  is  organized  by Delft  Data  Science  in  collaboration  with  the  research  groups Web  Information  Systems and Multimedia  Computing of TU  Delft  and  in  collaboration with  the Responsible  Data  Science  program  line  from  the VSNU  Digital  Society  program and  the SIKS  Research  School.  The  event  is  part  of SIKS  Activity  program.  All  SIKS members  are  cordially  invited  to  participate.  Especially  SIKS-PhD-students  working  on  the symposium’ topics are strongly encouraged to register.

Algorithmic  filtering  and  ranking  systems  support  people  in  making  decisions  about  what  to consume  next,  they  propose  and  evaluate  options  while  involving  their  human  users  in  the decision-making  process.  Such  systems  also  shape  our  opinions  by  automatically  selecting and  ranking  information  for  us  in  online  social  networks  such  as  Twitter  and  Facebook  as well as the news that we read online on more traditional websites. These technologies have in  some  cases  been  found  to  decrease  exposure  to  more  diverse  points  of  view,  leading  to filter bubbles.

Furthermore,  while  current  approaches  are  driven  by  the  equivalent  of  calorific  content,  or how much we interact with content (e.g., number of clicks), they do not consider whether we consume a lot of similar information or if our information consumption is varied. Furthermore, these  aspects  of  online  information  consumption  have  been  used  to  purposely  influence people for political gain.

In this seminar we will discuss how data analytics impact consumers of information. How do we support high quality information, while respecting the wishes of consumers? How do we give users control without overwhelming them? Where is the ideal meeting point between the industry and public perspective?

There will be presentations by representatives of TU Delft research groups and companies. Moreover there will be a panel of news organizations in the Netherlands such as FD Media, de Persgroep, RTL and Blendle.This event is the newest edition in the series of Delft Data Science seminars organized at TU Delft. With these events we bring together scientists, business and public organizations and provide a platform where knowledge can be shared and exchanged on specific topics.


The event is free of charge but registration is required. Please, let us know ofyour presence via the registration form on and share this invitation with interested colleagues or business relations.

For  all  questions  about  SIKS  Educational  Program,  such  as  ECTS  points  granted,  do  not contact the local organization, but send an e-mail to