Learning & Education

How to enable people to participate meaningfully in all stages of life

Continuing technological change will both enable and require new types of learning and communication, not just during childhood but throughout people’s lives. More than ever, people of all ages should be enabled to continuously update their skills to engage with the environment and the rest of the world. Formal and informal learning processes should be personalized and made more effective. These and related societal challenges are addressed in programme line Learning & Education.

23 November 2017

Digital Society Research Agenda

1 May 2024

Reshaping Work 2024 conference Reshaping Work 2024 conference

1 May 2024

The Surveillance Studies in Groningen Network for All – University of Groningen

1 May 2024

Mondai TU Delft: Seminar Series on Meaningful Human-AI Interactions for a Digital Society

Academics that are working on finding solutions to societal challenges related to Learning & Education:

Harold Bekkering (Radboud University)


Harold Bekkering is Professor of Cognitive Psychology at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour of the Radboud University Nijmegen. His research has covered many different ways of learning ranging from basic sensorimotor learning to complex forms of social learning. Lately, he aims to implement knowledge about human learning in educational settings.

Max Louwerse (Tilburg University)


Max Louwerse is Professor Cognitive Psychology and Artificial Intelligence in the Department of Cognitive Science & Artificial Intelligence at Tilburg University. He received his PhD in Linguistics (University of Edinburgh) and worked at the University of Memphis as Full Professor in the Department of Psychology and the Institute for Intelligent Systems, where he also worked as Director. Louwerse published over 120 articles in journals, proceedings and books in cognitive science, computational linguistics, and psycholinguistics (text and discourse, multimodal communication, embodied cognition, medical informatics, and spatio-temporal models) and holds two patents. Louwerse was founder of the DAF Technology Lab, the virtual and mixed reality lab on the Tilburg University campus, was involved in setting up the Jheronimus Academy of Data Science (www.jads.nl) and is co-founder of Mind Labs (www.mind-labs.eu).

Marcus Specht (Open University)


With my background in psychology and engineering I have always been research the interaction between humans and technology. Empowering humans with technology to learn more efficient, effective or by having fun and enjoying themselves while learning is the big challenge for the next hundred years of digital education. I have approached new opportunities from a design-based reach perspective and developed new technology applications for education and I also evaluated technology for enabling better human learning. Beside empowering more efficient human learning also the impact of technology on processes as information distribution, educational monitoring and formative assessment, and development of educational material has been part of my research.


Enabling new forms of digital learning and education and to understand what works best and in which context is essential knowledge for the future of human learning. I strive towards an integrative but still focused research approach on how to make human learning visible, build and design enabling technologies and work on better and flexible learning support for individuals, groups, and organisations.

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