Work & Organisations

How to prepare companies and workers for a new economy

Digital technology disrupts markets for products, services and jobs. In manufacturing, intensive use of data and 3D printing could transform value and production chains and bring us closer to a more circular economy. Automation, robotics and artificial intelligence can revolutionise major industries (including logistics, retail and white-collar professions). That could also require new ways to balance education, work, free time and retirement, and new strategies nets to prevent social inequalities and societal exclusion. These and related societal challenges are addressed in programme line Work & Organisations.

23 November 2017

Digital Society Research Agenda

1 May 2024

Reshaping Work 2024 conference Reshaping Work 2024 conference

1 May 2024

The Surveillance Studies in Groningen Network for All – University of Groningen

1 May 2024

Mondai TU Delft: Seminar Series on Meaningful Human-AI Interactions for a Digital Society

Academics that are working on finding solutions to societal challenges related to Work & Organisations:

Marleen Huysman (VU Amsterdam)


I am professor at the School of Business and Economics (SBE) at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In my research I study the, often unintended, consequences of digital technologies for how we work and organise. I study socio-technical practices to understand how our traditional ideas about organising work are challenged in our digital society. A hallmark of the research at my group ( is that we create understanding of the development and use of digital technologies by studying these processes in practice, working in close collaboration with organisations.


It is my ambition to help the Netherlands develop into a human-centric socially responsible digital economy. In order to reach this, I will strive to create a research community of interdisciplinary researchers on human-centric digital innovation related to work and organization. I will foster close collaboration between this academic community and organisations to ensure true impact of our research, which contributes to a responsible, sustainable and meaningful future of work and organising.

Tanja van der Lippe (Utrecht University)


Tanja van der Lippe is Professor of Sociology of Households and Employment Relations at the Department of Sociology and Research School (ICS) of Utrecht University, head of the Department of Sociology and research director ICS Utrecht. Her research interests are in the area of work-family linkages in Dutch and other societies, for which she received a number of large scale grants from Dutch and European Science Foundations. She is an elected member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW, 2014), and of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW, 2013). She has published extensively on work and care of men and women, time use and time pressure in a comparative way, and the position of men and women on the labor market (including supervisory positions) in Western and Eastern European countries.

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