On 9 July 2019, the workshop ‘Accelerating Digital Humanities Education’ was held at the annual ADHO global conference DH2019 in Utrecht, and organised collaboratively by researchers at several Dutch institutions.
Among the organisers were researchers from the Digital Society’s Learning & Education programme line, Aodhàn Kelly and Martine Schophuizen, of Open Universiteit and the Centre for Education and Learning (CEL) at Leiden-Delft-Erasmus, alongside Digital Society programme coordinator Sally Wyatt of Maastricht University. They delivered this in collaboration with Elli Bleeker of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences (KNAW) and Johanna de Groot from the educational ICT organisation SURF.
The humanities disciplines have been deeply transformed in recent decades through the adoption of digital approaches to research as well as teaching. This workshop brought Digital Humanities (DH) practitioners and teachers together with specialists in educational sciences and digital innovation in order to exchange experiences in DH education, and to voice and explore ideas and hopes for the near future.
Participants were invited to submit lightning papers of 10 minutes or less and the event was structured around three panels of these talks followed by plenary discussions around the topics: DH Pedagogy in Practice; Open Education; and Shared Agendas & Initiatives. A report on this workshop and the complete collection of presentations have been published on the open online repository Humanities Commons.
Author: Aodhán Kelly